Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Gains...

So, I'm thinking this whole "posting every day" thing just ain't gonna work out! I guess I'm busier than I thought? Well here's a synopsis of how things are going:

I've done great with my cardio and weight training - stayed right on track with that! Although...I've never really had a problem getting a workout in... I should be able to lose weight JUST with exercise, right?!? NOT.

Now on to the diet....I SUCK. That's all there is to it. Someone brought a peanut butter mousse cake with ganache topping to my family...How the hell am I NOT to try it? And then, after I try am I NOT to eat WAY more than I'm supposed to??!! I need any advice I can get out there on how to learn some damned control when it comes to eating!

On a suckier note...I'm so bloated and nasty feeling right now cause Aunt Flo decided to drop in for a visit right before the holiday. So, when I weighed myself, I got 175. UGH!!! Hopefully, it's just water weight and it'll be gone before I know it. I'll weigh in again next Wednesday and post it. In the meantime - pray I can make it through all this holiday food with minimal gains :)

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